What is 02S?

From Zero To Sideman (aka 02S) is the first step-by-step guide to starting and maintaining a career as a musician or performer. From Zero to Sideman has the real information you need to get your career moving NOW. This is the only set of instructions that’s real-world tested and proven over 25 years in the entertainment business.

02S Is For Musicians

So you think you want to become a professional musician? Let’s keep it real. Getting started is tougher than ever. Gigs are harder to find, opportunities are vanishing, and the influx of new (and inexpensive) talent is constant. Today’s performers have to know what’s going on in the industry while positioning themselves to get the best calls to stay working. In today’s economy, you’ve got to have a plan if you’re going to make it in this business. From Zero to Sideman in 5 Steps is that plan.

Don’t depend on luck or chance for your success. Take control of your career today!


You know you’re good. You know you’ve got the talent. You’ve practiced & practiced. You’ve paid your dues. You’re trying to take it to the “next level” but you don’t know what steps to take or how to get your name out there.

Sometimes the task of getting your name out there and advancing  your career as a musician seems too big to manage. What should you do today to be the most effective? How do you know if you’re making progress? Why does it take so long to get connected? These questions can leave anyone frustrated and ready to give up. How do you re-ignite your passion for playing and succeeding? Well, nothing can get you inspired more than knowing exactly what to do. Check out the video above to hear what musicians like you have to say about 02S!

Being a sideman is arguably the most common occupation in the music industry, yet there are no programs, classes, or learning materials out there that offer a solid plan for musicians to enter and work in the industry. Students and teachers alike still have to attend the school of hard knocks to learn how to make a living the music business!
Not any more. Educators can give their existing curriculum an edge by covering the material presented in  From Zero to Sideman. Or if you prefer, bring Mel to your school and experience his multimedia-enhanced master class. If you’d like to prepare your students for real life as a professional musician, and give them a greater chance of succeeding, Mel’s book and workshop are second to none! Educators like Robert Lewis are reacting to the book:
I received your book today, and read through it this morning. I found it to be very informative, and to line up with my own professional experiences. I will be using some of the tips myself, and recommending it to my students.
Robert Lewis
Director of Jazz Studies
College of Charleston
Do yourself and your students a favor and pick up a copy – or request From Zero to Sideman at your schools’ bookstore or library!

Mel Brown took the 02S workshop on the road to Fender’s Bass Bash. Check out what Jay Piccirillo, former Senior Marketing Manager for Fender has to say about Mel and 02S:

If you’re in the music business as a retailer, manufacturer, distributor or something else, 02S can give your employees the background information to understand how musicians earn a living. Use this information to inspire your employees, improve marketing campaigns or just to get to know your musician customers better!

Real musicians, educators, music contractors, and even musical instrument manufacturers recognize the value of  the information in 02S. The review from Donovan Bankhead makes it clear

And another review from a touring musician:

“The truth is that the sax player has stolen my book and I am going to have to beat him down to get it back (LOL). Man I have been recommending your book to everyone I can it is simply the bible as far as I am concerned when it comes straight talk about life as a sideman and life on the road. Every woman who thinks she is interested in a professional musician needs to read that book…..twice! I have quite a few friends that are music educators and I am hoping to convince them to make that book one that they recommend to serious students. I also appreciated the info on getting a good bass. Thanks again for taking the time to write it and share your knowledge and experience.”

Mike Brown

Bassist for Ringling Brothers Circus

What do you have to lose? What are you waiting for? Pick up your copy today!