Fender Quarter Note | October 2004

Fender Quarter Note | October 2004

Fender Quarter Note | October 2004

Tell us about your Profile CD / Biz Card.
I was planning on moving to LA. The pressure to succeed was enormous. I was trying to figure out how to introduce myself to the LA music community using multimedia. Since I had done some TV commercials, CD’s, and gigs I wanted to be able to profile what I could do in each of these capacities. I determined a CD with videos and pictures that could also play music in regular CD player was the way to go. I had plenty of help getting it started. The first Mel Brown Profile debuted Oct 6, 1997. I left for LA on the same day! I instantly began handing out my invention to musicians that I thought could help me get gigs or hire me. I’d been in town for about 3 or 4 weeks when I was recommended to Gladys Knight’s Musical Director, Benjamin Wright. I got the gig and became a full time musician living in LA, making good money, with a nice place to live, a decent car and a new invention that was helping to get my name around.

How did you got involved with Fender® ?

I was doing sessions with Mike Jones from the Conservatory of Recording Arts & Sciences in Tempe. He introduced me to Richard McDonald from Fender® (VP Marketing) and through Richard I met Jay Piccirillo. I came to the Fender® offices and he showed me all of the new gear. I immediately gravitated to the new 800 PRO head. I was playing Eden at the time, but I really liked the Fender® stuff. When Jay explained there was a new division of Fender® solely dedicated to bass amplification, I was like “finally”! Everything really felt right so I signed on as an official endorser. Being local is great for checking out new prototypes. I just recently got my hands on the new TBP-1 Tube Bass Preamp, and it is blowing me away! Once it hits stores and players start hearing it, I think it’s going to be big for Fender®.

What set up are you currently using? I am currently playing the 800 PRO head through the 810 PRO cabinet. I have used this combination for over 100 gigs so far and I am really blown away by the combination of power, focus and tone. As a matter of fact, the 800 PRO can be heard on “Ain’t no stopping us now” the latest single by Wayman Tisdale (yes, Wayman is a bass player, but I am holding down the groove on this single). “I cut that track at my house using a DI straight out of the 800 PRO into a computer recording setup. I emailed it over and boom! What you are hearing is the second take.

I approach the 800 PRO as a building block for multiple sounds. The flat sound is great for finger-style. The “Enhance” button is my thumb sound (as it cuts the necessary mids). I use the semi-parametric EQ for my soloing. I bring up some high end and the overall volume and footswitch it in to nail an attractive lead voice.

How do you balance the demands of being a truly “modern” musician?   Well, I have developed a word of mouth reputation and met a lot of very cool (and very connected) people. Years of networking have allowed me to get myself out there as a “go-to guy” for all kinds of musical projects. As a result, I can live in AZ and still be available for anyone who needs me. I handle most all of my session work at home through the computer. I have a very professional and regular gig in town. I tour sometimes and perform one off gigs when the situation is right. Living in AZ has also provided a good life for my family, so overall I feel fortunate and extremely happy!   Thanks Mel!

Global Bass Magazine | April 2001

Global Bass Magazine | April 2001

Global Bass Magazine | April 2001

In a continuing series of articles and interviews about the lives and careers of bassists in New York City, Global Bass presents…
MEET MEL BROWN – Profile Disc Pioneer 
By Tony Senatore

Bassist Mel Brown has been causing quite a stir in the music industry lately.  He has done more in the last three years than most musicians accomplish in a lifetime.  As he puts it, “I am active in virtually every situation available to the modern bassist. Tours, club shows, movies, TV, both soundtrack and on-camera acting, jingles, theme songs, corporate dates and endorsing.”
Arsenio Hall played a key role in breaking Mel’s career by inviting him on the show to play before a national television audience.  He rose to the occasion by laying down a funky slap groove, completely winning over Arsenio and the audience.  Mel took this exposure and made it count, landing a tour with music legend Gladys Knight, recordings with Brian McKnight, and cameo appearances in movies like Viva Rock Vegas and The Nutty Professor 2.
How did he do it, you ask?  Well, while the rest of us have been sending out the typical demo discs, Mel has created what he calls his “Profile CD”.   This invention is the most amazing self-promotion marketing tool of our time.  It replaces the typical press kit that musicians have been circulating for decades.  By simply placing his Profile CD into your computer, the user will find out all that he needs to know about what Mel brings to the table in any situation — studio, live performances, and tours. 

Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting Mel in New York while he was in town with singer Marc Anthony.  He took time out of his hectic schedule to show me the merits of his idea in person.  Once in your computer, the Profile CD breaks down into five categories: Seen, Heard, Respected, Endorsed, and Chronicled.  The section of the disc entitled Seen is key. Upon opening the file, a narrator takes over and tells the user Mel’s story.   Mel is seen at his best — dancing, kidding around, and, of course, jamming on the bass. 
The section entitled Heard comes next.  It chronicles some of Mel’s latest works by allowing the user to listen to some of Mel’s recent CDs.  Most impressive is Mel’s work on CDs for Chuck Loeb and Nelson Rangell.  The Respected section of Mel’s Profile CD is definitely the highlight of the disc.  It features audio testimonials from the likes of Gladys Knight, Marc Anthony, and fellow bassists Victor Wooten, Brian Bromberg, and Jimmy Haslip – three of the finest Bassists to walk the planet.  The Endorsed section follows with descriptions of Mel’s equipment of choice such as Dean Markley strings and Eden amplification, accompanied by a video clip of Mel playing a fine slap bass solo in a piece he calls Mr. Coltrane.   The Profile CD is wrapped up with the Chronicled section which displays all of the press Mel has garnered over the years.
 “I am the first musician in the world to use the Profile CD as a method of self-promotion,” Mel asserts.  “I’ve never seen another disc like mine used for the purpose of self-promotion by a single individual. I honestly believe that my profile in tandem with my website is the tightest self-promoting marketing strategy in the world. I’ve heard a lot of stories about guys that have tried some variations of what I’m doing. More power to them!  The technology is there, let’s use it to get ahead.”  Clearly, of all of Mel’s many accomplishments, his Profile CD is the thing he’s most proud of.
If it isn’t already obvious, Mel Brown takes great pride in his work. When someone hires him, whether it’s for a bar gig or a world tour, he gives his all.  He has great respect for the music and the people who hire him to help them realize their dreams.  He shows up on time, sober, drug-free, and 100 percent prepared for the task at hand.

    Mel is open to sharing his profile CD with the world.  In fact, he believes all aspiring bassists should have one of their own.  Thinking of following in Mel’s footsteps?  He would be glad to send you one (provided that you pay for the postage).  If you are interested in hearing and seeing what all the fuss is about, contact Mel at [removed].  He has a website that at press time was still under construction.  His address on the web is www.melbrown.net
The days of musicians scrawling their phone numbers on the back of dirty napkins are over. Mel Brown has definitely set a new standard for anyone interested in making the most of their career.

Bass Player Magazine | February 2001

Bass Player Magazine | February 2001

Bass Player Magazine | February 2001

The next time someone tells you that Mel Brown is a top bassist, believe them. They’ve probably seen Brown’s unique enhanced-CD Profile. Taking the mini-business card concept a few giant steps forward, Mel’s well-crafted real-time resume’ features video clips of his TV bass work behind Marc Anthony, Gladys Knight, Brian McKnight, and Monica, and on-screen playing roles in The Nutty Professor 2 and The Flinstones In Viva Rock Vegas. The Mac- and PC- compatible disc also boasts press, discography, and endorsement material, as well as taped testimonials from stars like Anthony and Knight, Hollywood agents, and peers such as Victor Wooten and Jimmy Haslip. On The audio-only side, 23 tracks encompass album excerpts from Chuck Loeb, Nelson Rangell, and others, plus homemade showcases like “One For Jaco” and “Mr. Coltrane”.
    The 33-year-old Denver native, whose playing influences were “all the late -’70’s R&B, Fusion, and Rock bassists,” got the idea after seeing his daughter’s Barbie Doll CD-ROM. “I was moving to L.A., and I wanted to reach the most people in the shortest amount of time. I sent out 130 copies, got 90 responses, and within 2 weeks my calendar was packed with work.” Calling the CD an introductory tool, he notes the networking device “gives people a thorough, information-packed overview of who you are as a musician, and-equally important-as a person. It’s something they can check out on their own time and often they’ll discover new areas to use you in.”
    Brown created the entire 619MB CD on his Macintosh 266 Powerbook laptop. He touches on the technical requirements: “To get the full multi-media approach, you’ll need a computer with a 300MHz processor, lots of hard drive-space – I used two 10GB drives- and 196MB of RAM, plus word processing, photo editing, and video editing software. Content-wise, you’ll want photos, credits, press clips, audio and video clips, and testimonials from employers, fellow musicians, and teachers.” For more details, or if you’d like to check out Mel’s enhanced CD, email him [removed] or contact him via his Web site [removed] – he’ll be happy to send you a copy for the price of postage.
    As for the cost of the project, he says,  “I spent about $4,500 for 1,100 copies, which is about $4 per disc. Obviously, the higher-profile jobs that I’ve gotten as a result have more than covered my investment but even if I hand out one CD and get a $60 gig, the disc paid for itself 15 times over. So really the question isn’t can you afford to do your own CD profile-it’s can you afford not to.”  
– Chris Jisi

Bass Player Magazine | September 2008

Bass Player Magazine | September 2008

Bass Player Magazine | September 2008

Mel Brown is not just a top-level bassist with everyone from George Benson to Marc Anthony; he’s also on the leading edge when it comes to the business of music and networking. Brown attacks his subject in an enthusiastic, clear, and direct manner. Step one, “Choose the Life,” is the most intense and revealing, with Brown addressing such candid topics as the “myth of making it,” living opposite society, road life, and defining your own success. Brown also includes his enhanced-CD profile in the back cover. Given the shaky state of music biz, Mel’s method is a perfectly timed tool for getting or staying ahead. (CJ)

Chris Jisi

Bass Player Magazine